Food and Health Better nutrition, better health ..
health through food is one of the challenges of society in general and of each individual.
Food is food intake in order to get them the nutrients our body needs to stay healthy. Part of nutrition.
is an automatic process and also a voluntary act that is influenced by various types of factors that determine a good or bad nutrition.
Food has to be customized in terms of age, work and living area where, among other determinants.
now known for a fact that certain illnesses and disorders related to imbalances in power, either in excess (obesity, stress, high cholesterol ...) or deficit (lack of vitamins or minerals, etc.). Therefore, not only to eat eat to live or to satisfy hunger, is much more complex and influenced by numerous factors, environmental (customs and culture of the place we live, fashion and media, family environment ...) and other personal as sex, age, preferences, religion, level of activity (sedentary, mild, moderate), mood and health (diseases or health problems). Therefore, it is considered that a diet is adequate if it is indeed capable of meeting the needs of the body, according to personal characteristics, in order to achieve or maintain good nutrition and health.
Keys to Good Nutrition
Should we be surprised that our children do not give up in the morning and significantly lower educational achievement, something quite normal if you consider that your breakfasts are often scarce. This is perhaps the first large feed errors: the first meal of the day is coming soon 10% of the total of the day, when under normal conditions should include, at minimum, between 20% and 25% of it.
Start your day effective
A breakfast should consist of milk, cereal, bread or toast normal, some juice and some sausage. Under these conditions, we are ensuring adequate nutrition for the first part of the day, after the "vacuum" which provide the night. This habit, especially for younger people, is fundamental.
Second, it must be emphasized that throughout the day, both adults and younger, eat more calories than we need, why the excess calories are accumulated under the skin around our bodies, in the form of fat. This hinders the normal activity of our body and little by little, it shows over the years.
Scale and Calories Guide
Overweight and obesity is the first reason to when looking for the origin of articular problems such as arthritis, affecting several million people. In this sense, the first thing to do is to avoid snacking, eating between meals, and use the least possible calorie foods.
To do this we provide a small level of calories Food, ranked highest to lowest, and also considering 100 grams of each product.
Oils: 900 kilocalories per 100 grams, emphasizing that it is better olive oil than the rest because it increases HDL or "good" cholesterol in the blood. Dairy
in general: 600 kilocalories, highlighting the butter, margarine, cheese, etc. Are preferable vegetable fats (margarine) than those of animal origin, mainly because only stimulate the increase in the body of bad cholesterol or LDL.
Sweets in general: having about 400-500 kilocalories per 100 grams (to give you an idea need to walk briskly 45 minutes to eliminate the calories provided by a generous pie.
Meat: 350 calories, while the white bring something less energy than red . At this point we must distinguish how food is prepared, as the chips provide more calories and fewer nutrients than meat grilled, baked or cooked.
Pan: usually 300 kcal per 100 grams, especially if they are accompanied by sauces.
The great forgotten
The third and most important errors diet is the excessive use of products only benefit us. Fruits, vegetables, cereals and vegetables are the forgotten of our food for meat, fish and eggs. Those foods are those with higher amounts of vitamins, minerals (iron, magnesium, iodine, fluorine, manganese, calcium), beta carotene, chlorophyll, proteins and fats of vegetable origin, and reported just calories.
with substances the body gets not only the elements you need for repair and replacement, but also antioxidants, others scavenge free radicals and waste products or "junk" cells with those who have shown preventive effects in several diseases and particularly against breast, uterus, colon, stomach, lung and prostate.
Therefore, the daily diet should contain 70% fruit, cereals, vegetables in general, 20% dairy products, eggs, meat or fish (preferably roasted, baked, grilled, boiled, but never fried), and 10% bread or cereal, candy, etc.. Practice these basic standards in their food and will be a different person. Key
The key is learning to feed and know the importance of the quantity, quality, and harmony food that make up our diet. Foods are divided into five groups: Cereals, vegetables and fruits and vegetables Dairy products and eggs Meat fats and sugars. Cereals
cereal grains, corn, wheat, oats, rice, barley, rye, millet are very valuable nutritional resource.
These foods are a major energy source. They provide complex carbohydrates, vegetable protein, fiber, B vitamins, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and selenium. Provide generally low fat and no cholesterol. Pulses
are very nutritious vegetables, peas, lentils, beans, beans Soy, chickpeas, beans, green beans.
Contains vegetable proteins, carbohydrates decarbono, and fiber, have no fat or cholesterol.
addition, the iron in vegetables is absorbed more and better if they are consumed in small amounts of meat or foods rich in vitamin C such as citrus, kiwi, tomatoes, cabbage, chili and more.
Vegetables - vegetables, are an excellent source of carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins and minerals. Many of them also contain substances prevention of certain types of cancer. It is advisable to consume these vegetables daily in dishes such as salads, puddings, soufflés, cakes, tortillas, soups and fillings.
- yellow vegetables, oranges, reds and greens are the richest in beta carotene substance in the body becomes vitamin A, these nutrients reduce the risk of various diseases, including cardiovascular disease and cataracts.
- Cruciferae, in this group include broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cabbage, cauliflower, turnips and nabiza, vegetables also contribute to the prevention of various cancers.
- The tomato is a food that provides good amounts of Vitamins C
, which combats premature aging of cells. Also contain other substances that reduce the risk of prostate cancer especially
eating raw is important because during the cooking loses its vitamin C.
- Garlic and onions arteroesclorosis collaborate in preventing hypertension, various cancers and improve the body's defenses.
Fruits - Fresh Fruits provide vitamins, minerals and fiber, as well as water and hydrates decarbono. Some are an excellent source of beta carotene in the body are converted to vitamin A, peach, apricot, melon, mango). Citrus, kiwi and strawberries provide high amounts of vitamin C.
- The dehydrated or dried fruits provide more energy than fresh, since by reducing the content water is more concentrated calories and nutrients, including iron, potassium and some vitamin B complex Also contain plenty of fiber. Dairy
Dairy products are the main source of calcium, a mineral very important requirement which can not be filled with other foods. One way to get calcium is to consume daily for at least two cups of milk, yogurt, and a portion of 50 gr. cheese, is a very complete food for the amount of nutrients it contains proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamin A, D, B complex and minerals like calcium, phosphorus which are essential to take care of bones and teeth. It is recommended adults consume low-fat milk and avoid fat.
Red Meat Red meat like the white
provide complete proteins or high biological value. Among its highlights vitamin B complex, especially the B12, which are found only in foods of animal origin.
supplies minerals such as iron, zinc, copper, selenium, potassium, phosphorus and contains a higher proportion of iron than white meat.
The body best absorbs the iron from the meat which comes from vegetables. It is suggested to consume no more than 2 times a week and combine with vegetables.
White Meat - The nutritionally chicken is an excellent source of protein, B vitamins, iron, phosphorus, selenium and potassium. Its fat content and cholesterol is low when the skin is broken.
- Fish is an excellent source of protein and has the advantage in general, contain fewer calories and cholesterol. While it contains minerals like phosphorus, iron, selenium, magnesium, iodine, zinc, and vitamins B, A and D. Including fish in meals helps in the prevention of cardiovascular problems because they provide omega 3 fatty acids, a substance that helps lower blood cholesterol. Eggs
This product has very important nutrients for the body. Are clearly in high quality protein, while the yolk has less protein. And basically contains fat and cholesterol, iron and vitamins A and D, are moderate in calories and easy to digest.
By virtue of its high cholesterol content, it is advisable to eat only 2 or 3 times yolks of eggs. Instead whites can be eaten without restriction and should also increase their consumption when not eating meat.
Sugar Sugar prominently in the diet, due to their intake of calories and carbohydrates.
People with obesity and diabetes must control the amount consumed.
Water Water is a nutrient essential for proper functioning of the body.
constitutes between 50 and 75% of body weight. Among its vital functions
Helps to eliminate toxic substances from the body.
transports nutrients throughout the body and the environment where they all chemical processes in the body. Helps maintain constant temperature and moisture of the skin.
Alcohol Alcoholic beverages provide calories with few or no nutrients, excessive consumption is harmful to health. You remember to drink in moderation, up to 2 glasses per day for men and 1 glass daily women.