Of all the buildings that surround us in the city are counted those who draw our attention and literally meet our gaze.

The city of Graz
As the second largest city, with a population of 270,000 and high reputation in scientific research, Graz has stood historically open to the nine as ideas and has been brave to juxtapose old and modern buildings in its urban layout.
However, there has always been a balance in their social structure. The modern history of Austria on its incorporation into Nazi Germany in 1938 and, more recently, the resurgence of the xen ófobos during the nineties. Social equilibrium is a policy objective of society Dad contemporary of Graz, which was already explicit commitment to apply to be proclaimed "City of Derec hos Human." With this appointment the city invoked the flow of information, freedom of opinion and a better relationship with immigrants. For this, the Graz City Council has launched several inic iativas, for example, organizing training in human rights for local officials or, in schools, educate against racism.

The House of Art is
Also in 2000, and as part of preparation for Graz, European Capital of Culture ", organized an international competition to design the new Kunsthaus in a lot of the banks of the River Mur. Spacelab group, led by Cook and Fournier, won with a proposal that would take the traveler by surprise. Once constructed the building, there are still many who question if it is out of context and even if it is somewhat arrogant in front of the dense neighborhood. Despite this, and even admitting the powerful presence of their skylights, which appear as rashes on their skin blue, would precipitate to draw conclusions without further analysis deep.
View from the street, flying over the historic Kunsthaus Eiserner (1847), the first metal frame building built in Europe. He gently binds through an observation platform called "needle", which offers panoramic views of the city and its surrounding mountains. Compared with the historic building next door, which is perfectly rectangular walls and floor, one can not really relate to the Kunsthaus and building has a facade or a roof absolutely determined. It is rather a com skin placed by a thousand sheets of acrylic fiber, which is Gujer by sixteen jets to let in light and fresh air. These lu cernarios are also holes that frame specific views of the landscape and even from one of them, visitors can admire the picturesque clock tower, the emblem of the city.
Under the blue bubble is a simple triangulation of steel, coated with a film of the same material, which geometrizes double curvature, and, between them, a total of 925 40-watt fluorescent ring s. Each ring of light functions as a PIXE l as it is controlled by a computer system; a single mill that turns blue skin on the big screen, the size of the building, where you can play moving images and text.

Communicating with the city
Due to the international recognition that Peter Cook reached in the sixties as a member of the legendary group Archigram, authors of amazing architectural drawings pooled and Pop Culture belief in technology to create opportunities and alternatives to our way of life, not a few critics have been cataloging Kunsthaus as making the old dream of constructing a building from those drawings. Some have even said that this work belongs to the past century.
The Kunsthaus or "friendly alien" as the authors call it, goes beyond being merely an ironic gesture linked to a new symbol of Graz This book is offered as a meeting place for different voices to perceive in society. Artists and curators can communicate their beliefs, desires and emotions, to the city through the standard, and thus the whole building becomes an icon of contemporary communication. In this sense, the Kunsthaus reflects an attitude, a freedom of speech, which is the paramount consideration in the City Human Rights. "His elevation is not just a message but causing a dialogue with the city itself.
Apart from satisfying the functional requirements of any museum, this building gives the city a new form of communication that encourages radical groups to question their behavior: the facade rewritable ideas, different skylights targeting different points of view and flexibility of the building conforming themselves to the historic building next door. The Kunsthaus in Graz produces effects that may even change attitudes.
1. Since the early sixties, Peter Cook (b. 1936) has always shaken culture the fantastic architectural drawings, like Traveling City, Town and City Plug Snapshot.
2. The Kunsthaus taken aback by the traveler's Baroque center of Graz
3. Ground floor of the Kunsthaus Graz (2003).
4. Blue skin of the Kunsthaus is a low resolution screen, but the size of the building, reproducing text and images in motion.
5. From the lobby, an escalator takes visitors on the museum's exhibition galleries, which occupy the top two floors.