Dubai is a city in the desert, with impressive buildings, artificial islands, hotels, malls, amusement parks and ski slopes. They have everything, but of course, could not be left behind, and therefore plan to build the largest arch bridge in the world.
office FX Fowle, a partner at the Renzo Piano Building New York Times, was awarded the tender for the new bridge in Dubai, the sixth to go through connecting both sides of the city on the Dubai channel, adding to four bridges and a tunnel.
The bridge will be a long one with seven kilometers and a height of two hundred and four meters. Its cost is eight hundred seventeen million dollars and its construction began in March this year, so you should be ready by 2012.
The bridge will have six tracks per side, which will drive two thousand vehicles per hour in each direction. It also includes a subway line through the center.
The phenomenon of the Gulf still has incredible mega projects over the last few years, a phenomenon that began to take shape for fifty years and reached its peak in Dubai.
Dubai Canal separates the city into two. The bridge would become the sixth go through the canal, adding to four bridges and a tunnel.