Olot, a small can block north of Gerona, is surrounded by a thick volcanic natural park of forests oak trees. Due to an urban planning drafted in the recent past that have not watched environmental criteria, provided for the construction of an athletics stadium in the mass of oak, a kind of very slow growth. A little more than a decade, this proposal was to create a conflict between the Sports Federation and int are environmentalists. Some demanded a running track where the race officials did not have restricted views because of trees, while others struggled against ta the oak. On the other hand, not following the rules, the Federation recognized competitions ceria as there Organizer. In response, the council asked the team of architects RCR a project that would make a mediator between the two parties.

N to ture of the Games Instead of starting
to negotiate, before drawing any lines RCR team of architects (Rafael Aranda, Carme Pigem and Ramon Vilalta) investigated the human behavior in relation to athletics. This will directly traced to the formation of Games in ancient Greece. The first data of the Olympics is the year 776 a. C., when held at Olympia in honor of Zeus, and show that the games were held in nature. Since then and until the decree of Emperor Theodosius em I the Great, when in the year 394 AD C. abolished its conclusion, as l Olympics were characterized by a dual nature of religion and physical health. Games were, however, restored in the late nineteenth century CIAR potential physical education and follow the belief that moral and intellectual development are based on health. RCR
recovered the origin of the games in nature and proposed it to the contemporary scene and l athletics and social gathering. His first task was therefore to find the place that could establish a dialogue between the two roles designated for athletics stadium: how to create an environment where nature and sport could not be separated.
The new value of oak
The location of project set in a clearing that corresponded to two former farmland. Although both were separated by a mass of vegetation, the total erficie sup was wide enough to accommodate a 400-meter ring six tracks and facilities as annexed to the practice of athletics. If, a priori, that program was quite different from environmental claims, it was possible to trace the tracks respecting the oaks while complying with strict controls on visibility federation of the tracks.

In spite of the trees, the judges can see the output correctly and arrivals of the various competitions, which all races are monitored.
On the other hand, to see athletes appearing and disappearing among the trees is added or na amusement among the spectators that increases the suspense.

The game come and go already present from the moment in which ll ega to the forest and leave the vehicle. Without even see the stadium, the road to place c onduce visitors, putting it through sight, hearing, smell and touch, in an act that prepares us for an unusual setting. The spectators are sitting on some steps made as small banks, with blocks of basalt concrete color, which seem to form small terraces between the gaps.
A lighting towers act as ele ments who talk to the tree and set is references in the space. Meanwhile, a small piece of iron d lavender to accommodate a bar and store. The forest as a place where viewers can enjoy as much as the athletes, watching the athletics and competition, or even swimming in the river Fluvia, next to the bathroom is flag or by the same architects. This is another simple structure of iron and steel a small bar, dressing rooms, and among them, a large porch that allows trees form part of the facade.
The forest makes the area of \u200b\u200bthe track can be seen and this is precisely the element who led the design process proje ct. What is here the boundary between natural and artificial? The viewer can not give a precise answer, but you can feel identified with the place, looking at training and competition in nature, or coming to family to enjoy the tracks between the ro Blessing. Trees are also involved, playing with the wind, the seasons change, LLE gan to lose their lobed leaves silvery undersides and, in early October, filled with acorns tracks. The old oaks were the building materials used in this project and, with them, has created a new reality that reconciles environmental vision and sports visitors.
A. Rafael Aranda (b. 1961), Carme Pigem (b. 1962) and Ramón Vilalta (b. 1960) are members of RCR group of architecture and architects directors of the Natural Park in the volcanic area of \u200b\u200bGarrotxa.
B. Athletics Stadium in Olot Tussols-Basil is an architecture that values \u200b\u200battributes of the place.
C. The project has received prestigious awards such as the FAD of Spaces and Series, Finalist Mies van der Rohe Award and Finalist in the 03 European Landscape Biennial 03.
D. Located in a natural environment, the athletics track emphasizes landscape values \u200b\u200bas well as bringing the races to nature.
E. The stadium was designed in 1991 with a first phase opened in 1999 and completed in 2002, maintaining oak trees and lines vision of the marshals.
F. To see the athletes come and go between the trees adds fun and increases the suspense.
G. RCR have already built part of a road, running track and a bathing pavilion, as part of a global planning of the natural environment Tussols-Basil. **********************************************