MOMA Burtom and "God is cruel because the man invented" Saramago
Madrid- Cuando Dios decidió quemar Sodoma porque los hombres "tenían gustos sexuales very own, "made a covenant with Abraham that if he found ten innocent save the city. But God burned," is not heard if there were ten or eleven, "not even realized that he forgot to children, all of the innocent "sin." Therefore, "God is not trustworthy."
just two weeks have passed since the Oct. 19 hit the shelves "Cain", the new novel by Portuguese Nobel laureate José Saramago, and the controversy is served. The book raises blisters on his native country, where a Conservative MEP was even asked to renounce their nationality and the bishops' conference has not been immune to the particular irony of the writer.
Tanning in these situations, Saramago does not lose his calm and said, his voice slow and steady, to understand "Cain" is not incompatible with being Christian. "I understand that a person believes, but do not close your eyes," he said today during the presentation of his book in Madrid's Casa de America. "Faith belongs to another domain of the mind" which is not involved. "I use my reason, my logic."
Speaking first of the novel in Peñafiel, a small town in northern Portugal, the author of "Blindness" the Bible described as "a manual of bad habits" and did not sit well. But the fact is that in the sacred text of Christianity is "cruel infinite, no shortage of incest and butchers "and can count more than a million murders.
" The history of mankind is, in essence, the story of the death, "said Nobel. The problem is that "We have invented a god in our image and likeness, not vice versa, and so is so cruel, because we are cruel and we can not invent something better." Man invented god and then enslaved to their law, defends Portuguese.
Throughout the nearly 200 pages of "Cain" (Alfaguara), Saramago offers a journey in time touring Old Testament of the hand of the first fratricide. And it does so based on one question: What devil god is it that scorns magnify Cain Abel? Because, in the opinion of the writer, God is the true "mastermind" of the crime.
Treated by recognized geniuses of literature as Lord Byron and John Steinbeck, the story of Cain who killed his brother Abel because God accepted his sacrifice and thus was condemned to wander forever, has unleashed a myriad interpretations.
From the most weird to be labeled as the first vampire to the most racist advocates that the stigma with which God marked his forehead was extended from generation to generation until dusk throughout the body of the wicked "Cainites.
Saramago's novel, Cain becomes a privileged guide brings his particular reading of the major biblical events, from the sacrifice of Isaac by Abraham, the wrath of Moses on Mount Sinai or the Flood. In the eyes of Cain, God is presented as being capricious and tyrannical, it actually reveals a devastating and tragic vision of man who invented it.
is not the first time that Saramago uses his pen to open the debate on religious dogmas. He already did 20 years ago with his controversial "Gospel of Jesus Christ" and the angry reaction from the government, which vetoed its submission to the European Literary Prize that year, made the Nobel was installed in protest on the English island of Lanzarote, where he currently resides.
However, at 86 years the writer has been asked many times why he writes and why, and has very clear about one thing: "I do not write to please, not to displease, I am writing to disquiet," he says. "I'm not trying to save humanity, it is enough to save my own conscience," he explains. But the purpose of his writing is out of their "mackerel" in today's society.
admits he was surprised the buzz generated by "Cain" in Portugal and can not understand the reaction of the Church, which is "like Pavlov's dogs," responds immediately to stimulus without even reading the book. However, Saramago is at a very fruitful, just a year ago he published "The Voyage of the elephant" - and do not plan to stop.
"I have 86 years and little life to live, but I will use to expand the prosecution of my work," he said. And, contrary to custom, advanced the issue that will turn your next book, which arremeterá against the arms industry to follow "restless" to its readers.