More info at: Relogik
More info at: Relogik
Initiative and project design: Baltazar Caravedo Molinari - Writer / Director: Bacha Caravedo. - General Production: Carolina Denegri .- Research: Carolina Denegri, Willy Caravedo Ilizarbe and Bacha.
Director of Photography and Camera: Beto Gutierrez - Fergar Chavez - Gianmarco Ahonen - Omar Quezada. Drawings: Juan Carlos Semino. Caricatures: Carlos Tovar "Carlin" - Alfredo Marcos. Photo Archives: Eloy Neira, Veronica Perez, Carolina Denegri. File EPENSA, REPUBLIC File, File TRADE, File PROMPERÚ Edition: Beto Barzola Music: Pauchi Sasaki. Mixing Audio: Armando Elias El Gato Voiceover: Male Caravedo Bacha Machine: Rodrigo Velázquez Lugones. Assistant Director: Jorge Luque - Gonzalo Ladines Assistants: Oscar Peralta, Frank Irribarren, Edgar Febres, Johny Degrees, Pedro Rivas Post Production: Atomic Fusion Post Production Sound: Sounds Trainer Equipment: Camera Pro Studio: Emergency Audiovisual Archives in
Video: Excerpts from the documentary The Fall of Fujimori by Ellen Perry. falloffujimori.com / - Excerpt from El Especial del Humor. Sketch: Choledo and Ilian. Source: Frecuencia Latina - Pictures of Bagua. Fuente: ATV - Excerpt from Magaly TV. Conductor: Magaly Medina. Source: ATV - Extract of Commercial No more. Agency: Leo Burnett Peru. Company: Film 70. - Extract from the Commercial Agency Decisions: Circus. Company: Kchina Films. - Extract video game Crazy Combi. Application developed by inventarte.net - Excerpt from Laura in America. Conductor: Laura Bozzo. Source: American TV
Photo: Alejandro Toledo Source: Life Magazine. Photo: Colas. Source: Seeking Chamba-blogs.elcomercio.com.pe by Marco Lopez. Article: The queues to apply for a paper published April 1, 2008. Photo: Urban and altarpiece in July .. Source: Magaly del Solar. Promperú. Photo: Fishing craft by redes.Fuente: Kalipedia, a product of Peru and Prisa Santillana Issue: Education Information Entretenimiento.Fotografía: Mariners caballoFuente: trotamillas.es. Author: Arleco. Article: Horse step, a spectacle unmatched Photo: Baile de la Selva typical PeruanaFuente: Publication of Arturo Zavala on flickr.com Photo: Carnival Source: peru.travelguia.net-Portal Travel-Peru. Article: Carnival of Ayacucho, creativity Andes. Photo: Economic growth. Source: mercadoenergia.com - Article: Destination Peru is growing 7% over the next 15 years, says Minister of Economy of 24 August 2008. Source: AND.Fotografía: Cebiche Author: Carmen Ravago. Photo: Q Source: weblogs.clarin.com / - Article: Who is Lipovetsky?. Posted by Manuel Sbdar on May 18, 2007. Image: Cienciano sports Source: depor.pe / Home published on August 21, 2009.
Thanks: Susana Ilizarbe, Guillermo Vasquez, Delia Sanchez, Luis Agois, Mariella Herrera, Silvana Alarcón, Rómulo Franco, Patricia Ruiz Bravo. Victor Villavicencio, Daniel Torrealba, Wawina Arriagada, Czech Fátima García, Ignacio Arriagada, Charo Lino, Ricardo Fortes, Beto Gutierrez, Silvia Kamisato, Paola Argüelles, Roxana Cavero, Maribel Toledo-Ocampo, Juan Carlos Gomez de la Torre, Carlos Pardo, Daniel Higashionna , Gabriel Quijano, Giovana Condori. Alessandra Leverone, Ricardo Maldonado and all those who directly or indirectly, have made this video.
Inspired Video: "We Mexicans"
Via: Luizhit
created for Pantene Commercial
which speaks of the speaker himself passion for the art, difficulties to overcome in this way, the life we \u200b\u200bchoose ...