The Electronic Revolution, written by William S. Burroughs in 1970, first translated by the editorial Argentina Black Box, translated by Mariano Dupont and prefaced by Carlos Gamero.

"Freeing the virus contained in the word could be more dangerous than the atom to release energy. For all hate all pain all fear all lust is contained in the word. "
The publication will later this month and between 22 and 31 October will be held in Argentina Days William Burroughs.
According Carlos Gamero: "The Electronic Revolution" is nothing, finally, that an instruction manual for urban guerrilla, a techno version of Guerrilla Warfare by Ernesto Guevara. In part, too, to delineate temporal boundaries: If it is guerrilla warfare, seen from our present, nostalgic text, which looks less to the future than the past (some sort of armed pastoralists, say), its counterpart reveals burroughsiana Today, as a prophetic text in which the instruction to use the technology against its bearers, roughly sketched in 1970 through the figure of an invisible army of young writers hiding under their coats, fully met at present, when young people like, equipped with more sophisticated instruments, they turn their computers and cell phones against the powers of the State ... ... Burroughs
shared with his compatriots, fellow travelers of the 50s and 60s the ideal sometimes rather vague, too broad, liberation, understood not as a national liberation (they were the empire, after all) but personally, or sometimes group (women, blacks, homosexuals), the struggle was against "system" (name-encompassing, but not less real, including the state, the educational apparatus, the mass media and the market). Novels like Naked Lunch and Nova Express proposed the metaphor of addiction as a figure of any form of control: they understand that we live in a world of addicts, where the powers of state and market control us through drug addiction, money, power, consumption, and the word sex.
The two books attracted me a lot, some friends tell me that are hard to read but I seem attractive, addictive, how to write, to create a new language that I personally took me to see images in the phrases, go for a place to another as if under the effects of some psychotropic drug, the books have continued without reaching a linearity was like arriving all images at once.
Then if I also found it interesting biography, he became an icon for the beatniks when Kerouac wrote about in his book: "On the Road" (En route), in which Kerouac describes how he was meeting with Burroughs, getting high all day, leaving aside literature until the day a total hallucination kills his wife by giving her shot in the forehead believing the William Tell and his wife, his daughter with an apple on his head, after that I leave the drugs (which had tested the all) and I return to writing literary works mentioned above.
recommend reading these books and I hope soon to read the translation of "The Electronic Revolution"
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