Last Sunday I attended the Book Fair Ricardo Palma 2009 , who just believe that just ended and say it has been a failure, they have not sold much, they cursed the boto MasÃas Mayor of Miraflores and several things that make this show was a failure.
For me I am very fond of books, the reason "Personal" for which he was a failure (and I stress personal, because I do not think many will agree) is that without mentioning stands as the media / Arcadia, which make contact with the owner of Arcadia and told me a couple of books Koolhaas of which I am interested I arrived the next month and the Alianza Peruvian Publishers - ALPE , which bought a couple books and a magazine called: "Intermezzo Tropical 6 / 7 entitled Second Class Citizens / Not Discriminate " (which had that day) and maybe a couple more out there, all the stands selling the same, I find anywhere and even more bids were known as the old books and thousands of magazines of all kinds, which Quilca meeting and racing even more comfortable I get, there were also stands of the books are the latest sensation of the block, as the saga of vampire novels now out in film as Harry Potter at the time, the market ultimitos, you have to read to feel worship, which have the largest advertising at all bookstores and certainly in this Fair costs 5, 6 or 7 times more expensive than if bought in pirated version (because that piracy serves to make available the resources under culture / but that's another topic) in order to sell books.
Yes of course they sell books say curious because when I looked for a book of Burroughs , no one had of course, and when asked if they had "Hegemony and Survival" by Noam Chomsky or some other trial Political him, the man who took care of me told me annoyed face no sir these books are not sold here ", I thought to ask why if a book fair, and I said - these books do not sell - so the simple and forceful response.
understood that it is a show made for that, to sell, period, without interest people read or anything, now I understand why it was a failure, because such trade fairs is designed so that you walk you go, ask for a couple of books, see a couple of book launches and you see someone famous out there, you'll go home and feel worship, to buy a book and seller fool you and say: Ohhhh! Great choice sir, you. If it is worship, is the latest Best Sellers of this or that author, and if you read him or her that you are doing now and your film as you. It is worship, and you go up the ego and you feel you are part of Western culture these on a par with Negri and many others.
For those fairs that are to estupidizarte more, to become a part of the mass, the pile of pseudo - culture.
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